1. Hu Zenghui, Shen Yingbai, Luo Youqing,Shen Fanyi, Gao Haibo, Gao Rongfu Aldehyde volatiles emitted in succession frommechanically damaged leaves of poplar cuttings. Journal of Plant Biology. 2008,51: 269-275. (SCI)
2. Hu Zenghui, Shen Yingbai, Shen Fanyi,Luo Youqing, Su Xiaohua. Evidence for the signaling role of methyl jasmonate(MeJA), methyl salicylate (MeSA)and benzothiazole between poplar (Populussimonii×P.pyramidalis‘Opera 8277’)cuttings. Trees. 2009, 23: 1003-1011. (SCI)
3. Hu Zenghui, Shen Yingbai, SuXiaohua.SaturatedAldehydes C6-C10 Emitted from Ashleaf Maple (Acer negundoL.) Leaves at Different Levels of Light Intensity,O2and CO2. Journal of Plant Biology. 2009, 52:289-297.(SCI)
4. Hu Zenghui, Shen Yingbai, Shen Fanyi, SuXiaohua. Effects of feedingClosteraanachoretaon H2O2accumulation and activities ofperoxidase, catalase and ascorbate peroxidase inPopulus simonii×P.pyramidalis‘Opera 8277’leaves.ActaPhysiologiae Plantarum. 2009, 31: 995-1002. (SCI)
5. Hu Zenghui, Zhang Huixiu, LengPingsheng, Zhao Jing, Wang Wenhe, Wang Shudong. The emission of floral scentfromLilium‘siberia’ in response tolight intensity and temperature. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2013, 35:1694-1700. (SCI)
6. Hu Zenghui, Yang Yang, Leng Pingsheng,Dou Dequan, Zhang Bo, Hou Bingfei. Characteristics of soil seed bank inplantation forest in the rocky mountain region of Beijing, China .Journal of Forestry Research, 2013, 24(1): 91-97. (SCI)
7.Hu Zenghui, Li Tianjiao, Zheng Jian,Yang Kai, He Xiangfeng, Leng Pingsheng. Ca2+signal contributing tothe synthesis and emission of monoterpenes regulated by light intensity inLilium‘siberia’. Plant Physiology andBiochemistry, 2015, 91: 1-9.(SCI)
8. Hu Zenghui, Li Tianjiao, Jian Zheng,Leng Pingsheng*, Yang Kai, Zhang Kezhong. A new monoterpene synthase geneinvolved in the monoterpene production fromLilium'siberia'. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2016, 26(5): 1389-1398.(SCI)
9. Yang Xiaoxia, Zhao Jing, Zheng Jian,Leng Pingsheng, Li Xiaolong, Hu Zenghui, Liu Jianbin, Meng Xin. Analysis offloral scent emitted fromSyringaplants. Journal of Forestry Research, 2016, 27(2): 273-281.(SCI)
10. Hu Zenghui, Tang Biao, Wu Qi, Zheng Jian, LengPingsheng, Zhang Kezhong. Transcriptomesequencinganalysis revealsadifferenceinmonoterpenebiosynthesis between scentedLilium‘Siberia’ and unscentedLilium‘Novano’, 2017, 8: 1351.